Creating stunning photos, effortlessly edit beautifully- enjoy these five .xmp files that will rock your photography's world. For Adobe Lightroom Classic CC 7, 6, 5 & 4. and ACR Presets for Photoshop CC & CS6. Based on the Adobe Standard Calibration profile and designed to work with RAW files. Set contains Five Presets in total. (Four Color & One B&W).
With this file there is ability to sync to mobile using creative cloud. If you are a visual learner for instruction, we recommend Youtube ("download presets .xmp + your version of Lightroom") This file also include basic instructions for other users!
How to Download after Purchase:
Unzip your file on your Mac or PC.
Open Lightroom. -> File -> Import Profiles and Presets -> Navigate to folder -> Double click AMBER_DENAE_PRESETS Folder or select all presets.
They appear in the presets within Lightroom ready for use!
The Original Collection Desktop Presets
Unzip your file on your Mac or PC.
Open Lightroom. -> File -> Import Profiles and Presets -> Navigate to folder -> Double click AMBER_DENAE_PRESETS Folder or select all presets.
They appear in the presets within Lightroom ready for use!