Charlotte birth and lifestyle photographer. Wife. Mother to 5. To my core, I am a romantic lover of all things nostalgic and beautiful. The way light gleams through leaves and curtains, soft and golden as sunlit honey captivates me. I see the beauty in heavy rain kissing you. The glow of the moon on your face, the shadows cast from your being through breaks of light, fingertips touching and hands holding tiny toes. Joy. Sorrow. Fear. Peace.
A first embrace. A last embrace. I've captured joyous celebrations of life and first meetings and documented the heaviness of departures. The veil is thin. And the stories are endless. And while they may not be mine, to be a witness to them is an honor I deeply cherish. You see when I'm invited into your home, your birth space, hospital room, etc., I enter with my lens but I observe and connect with my heart. The smallest of details are scanned with every sense I possess. I fully immerse myself into your narrative as an observer and visual storyteller. And the beauty. Oh, the beauty of it all. In it all. The blood and tears. The messes and laughter. The pain and pleasure.
If my work is anything, I wish for it to be the most beautiful mirror you've ever looked into. I hope it makes you ache in the crevice of your soul where wistfulness and reminiscence reside. I hope it makes you proud of the life you're living and creating despite any agony you've endured. I hope it helps you remember to hold tight to the good.